백엔드(웹 서버, WAS)
32일차 - JSP 환경 설치백엔드(웹 서버, WAS)/JSP 2024. 3. 7. 16:35
이클립수 위에 플러그인과 합친것을 STS JSP 가 없으면 STS 도 사용할 수 없다! https://github.com/spring-attic/toolsuite-distribution/wiki/Spring-Tool-Suite-3 Spring Tool Suite 3 the distribution build for the Spring Tool Suite and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite - spring-attic/toolsuite-distribution github.com https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi Apache Tomcat® - Apache Tomcat 9 Software Downloads Welcome to the Apache To..